Brown University’s Division of Biology and Medicine, which includes The Warren Alpert Medical School and the Program in Biology, has partnered with FirstIgnite to identify companies that are interested in sponsored research opportunities. The faculty, students, and staff within this division are committed to a common goal: to generate new knowledge, to teach and to learn, and make a positive impact on the world through their research and patient care initiatives.
The Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University focuses on four main research areas: biology of aging and senescence, cancer research, host-pathogen interactions & immunology, and developmental biology and organogenesis. These areas cover a range of specific topics, including the role of epigenetics in aging and age-related diseases, the physical and molecular factors that contribute to cancer progression, and understanding host resilience mechanisms to infectious and non-infectious diseases of the lung.
The Brown University team is seeking industry collaboration through sponsored research opportunities. If your company is interested in exploring a partnership, you can schedule a conversation with the Brown University team directly through their team’s calendar here.